Lulu bay

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newBookmarkLockedFalling The plot (inside out)
¤ ROSIExx 0 308 by ¤ ROSIExx
Jan 11, 2009 12:15:07 GMT -5
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newBookmarkLockedFalling Rules
¤ ROSIExx 0 234 by ¤ ROSIExx
Jan 9, 2009 16:44:06 GMT -5


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Lulu bay

Lulu Bay is at the end of the frosty Forests, it has deep sand, which is cold and salty grass is on the other side. Many equines love this place for the warmth, but at night its much differenter. It rains, it thunders and lightning strikes the land. The sea is reckless and usually forms sunamas, but luckily you would always come down a hill that is very steep, so the water wouldn't get near the homelands. Usually stallions come up here to chat to each other and much more.
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